Saturday 16 April 2016

Is Mobile Learning Here to Stay? These 5 Signs Will Reveal the Truth

Mobile learning is a term given to learning done through various sources, contexts, and interactions with the help of personal electronic devices. Indubitably, it has revolutionized e-learning. With the help of mobile learning, employees and entrepreneurs are making rapid advances in the fields of corporate training and development.

In addition, did you know that the number of mobile devices the world over, has exceeded 7 billion? This huge number coupled with advanced mobile technology is opening up new avenues for companies to reach out to their employees in innovative ways.

According to a Comscore report, out of UK’s 48 million internet users, only 23% access it via desktop and 5% via a mobile or a tablet but 72% use both.

However, mobile technology doesn’t imply to use the technology and deliver content to other mobile devices. It is more than that. It is about adapting to new and changing contexts as well as figuring out how to use mobile technology for learning in everyday situations. Mobile eLearning apps can be created by employers to cater to this need.

If you are not an avid user of mobile technology yet, we have five signs to convince you why this should               be the next best thing you can do for yourself:

1.       Businesses Will Dole Out Learning Quickly

With staff more mobilized than ever, their training opportunities are vastly affected. The staff has to be on the go and do frequent travels. This signifies that they will be spending a good amount of time away from places with access to computers and laptops. This brings mobile devices to the forefront.
Mobile learning turns out to be an ideal solution because companies can easily distribute learning materials to employees. Mobile learning can be applied to any field of learning - be it IT, marketing, sales, corporate training, or organizational compliance.
Mobile learning has the ability to connect employees and knowledge at precisely the moment when employees need it, thus proving it useful in any type of learning needed.

2.       Key Data Is Delivered In Times of Need

Since mobile devices are always close at hand and connected, it means relevant information can be accessed any time of the day as the need arises. Just-in-time training modules can be provided to employees and factory workers regarding product specifications, machine operations, or even pricing details.

All these benefits enhance the decision making process. The result? As a business owner, you’ll achieve increased customer satisfaction.

3.       Mobile Learning Cuts Time Losses

You know you have a handy learning solution when you have greater time efficiency than ever before. As compared to lengthy instructor modules and learning programs, mobile learning fits in the busy schedule seamlessly.

Learners also do not have to take the entire course to get merely some pieces of information. With a pre-test, employees can show their proficiency and competence level and thus are exempt from irrelevant courses. They can only attend required courses to save time and gain knowledge in a minimum amount of time. The amount of time dedicated to corporate training can be reduced by up to 50% through this. After all, who wouldn’t aim to minimize their lost opportunity costs and productivity losses as an employer?

Due to time pressure of having to do more in less time, employees need to have the essential skills to perform their tasks to the best of their abilities. Mobile learning cuts down the time that was earlier required in moving and travelling for organizational training.

Besides this, mobile eLearning empowers employees to learn from anywhere in the world. They can learn at any place and at any time while taking in as much knowledge as they want in one session. They can learn at their own pace and can speed up the learning process according to their needs too.

4.       Mobile Learning Provides Many Organizational Benefits

There are several benefits of mobile learning:

§  It motivates employees to learn more and increase their knowledge. This leads to reduced staff turnover and lower recruitment costs.
§  Mobile learning use increases the availability of information and promotes knowledge retention. In addition, employees can have access to information whenever they require. They can also save or archive notes for later time.
§  As compared to traditional learning methods, mobile learning is more attractive and alluring to employees today as it engages and involves them more.

5.       Mobile Learning Is Made for All Learning Styles

Whether you want to dispatch information in the form of a video, clip, picture, infographic, or podcast, it has it all. Be it reading, watching, or listening, you can engage all senses of the learners through mobile learning and use it to disseminate information for all learning styles.

In this way, you can increase employee motivation and engagement towards corporate training. When the employees are more involved in the training process, they will be more productive and the results of the training will be more visible.

So, have we convinced you to rethink your training strategy?

5 Signs You Are a Creative Person

Undeniably, success requires a full-fledged dedication of long hours. But is uninspired drudgery making you a victim of low energy and job burnout? Your passion to shine at work can be the noticeable fuel backed by your intellectual skills and expertise. However, creativity triggers everything: it reduces the ignition while allowing you to see workplace pressures as opportunities rather than obstacles.

Enhancing your creative skills will enable you to accomplish your most crucial goals: coming up with unique ideas, impressing your boss, and retaining your customers! Perhaps, creativity is your innate quality. You are a creative person if you possess the following five habits:

1.       You Know What Your True Passion Actually Is
Intrinsic motivation is what drives you. Rather than quenching your thirst for external rewards, you opt for fulfilling your internal passion at work. You are coming to work because you want to. Not because you have to! Steve Jobs did the same. Being a college dropout never affected him as he was an intrinsically motivated, highly creative entrepreneur who took his passion forward and achieved his business goals.  

2.       You Get Into Your ‘Flow State’
When you are working on something important, you often happen to get into your flow state that helps you carry out your task in a highly creative, concentrated way. Flow is a state of mind in which you are consciously able to achieve effortless concentration. In this mode, you are immune to internal or external distractions that may hinder your performance.

So, if you are doing something you love the most but it is equally challenging, you know how to stay calm and finish off the task within deadline.

3.       You Get Easily Bored
If you do not like something, you cannot focus on it for extended hours. This is one of the reasons why you need to ensure that you are stimulated by something that keeps you alert and active. Though many people may call you ADHD, it is good to remember that this is how your creative side is. This study reveals that people with ADHD tend to be more creative.

4.       You Believe That Mental Flexibility Is the Only Way to Survive
70% of decisions people make will probably be wrong, according to Brian Tracy. If you agree with this statistic and tend to accept your mistakes while embracing change, then you are open to creativity. Perhaps, it is your daily routine that needs a change. Ask yourself: Is getting to bed late for the sake of checking emails affecting your sleep and creative thinking for the next day? If your answer is ‘yes,’ and you are ready to make this small shift in your routine, then you definitely are mentally flexible and equally creative.

5.       You Like to Daydream
Due to negative connotations about daydreamers, most people see them as unintelligent and unproductive. However, research reveals that daydreaming enhances memory. So, if you like to allow your imagination to go beyond the practicalities of life, then it’s time to apply your creative thinking to all your tasks.